A Naive Short-tempered Girl

Chapter 231

“Hey, Luo Yao Yao, is this written in the poster are true? If it is true, you can be said as the first most rotten person in our university.”

“Hahahahaha.” At back there are piercing laughing voices.

Beside her is Gong Xiao Man who is angry and glared at them: “Stop speak nonsense!”

“Whether it is nonsense or not, very soon we will find it out later? Well, above has said that, after few days there will be picture to be shown. Woah, I hope it will be bed photo.”

“Ha, I am more interested to the businessman who is supported Luo Yao Yao. Will he is someone at his forties or fifty middle age man? Or sixty, seventy something old man? Luo Yao Yao indeed too open.”

“You guys give try to say one more time!” Gong Xiao Man is rushed and confronted those few students.

“What? Dare to do but not dare to hear what people say? Luo Yao Yao does not say anything, what are you fuming for?”

“That’s right. I guess 80 percent Luo Yao Yao is afraid of being found out, so that she not dares to say anything, right?”

“En, En, there is a possible.”

After all Gong Xiao Man is only having one mouth, how could she win over many people? “You guys!”

“All shut up your mouth!” at sudden, Long Qi is roaring at everyone so that they turned their back. He is pushing away those students who are blocking his way, rushing to the most in front: “If don’t want to die, I count to three, all get lost!3!2!”

Without waiting he counted until ‘1’, everyone has already disappeared.

After witness his fought with Shang Yun Yin last time, in school there is no one who does not afraid of Long Qi.

“Long Qi, still you are so dependable.” Gong Xiao Man gives him thumb up.

If this is the normal him, he might already say something, but now…

Long Qi face is darken when seeing the poster posted at school bulletin board, his black eyebrow is furrowed, at sudden he extend out his hand and tearing the poster into pieces which humiliate Yao Yao.

“Yao Yao.” Gong Xiao Man is dragging Yao Yao’s hand, she just realized her hand is extremely cold, and also shivering: “You don’t need to think about whatever they said. Later we will help you to investigate who did this thing, when the time is arrived, I will help you to vent this anger!”

At sudden her head feel heavy, the voice is get softer, not able to hear clearly, no matter what cannot hear anymore. Slowly she lifts up her soulless eyes… how can Xiao Man turn become twos? What Xiao Man said? Why at sudden she can’t hear anything? WHY! She feels her eyes darken, followed by her body which slumps and she lost her consciousness.

“Yao Yao!” fortunately, Long Qi arrived at right time beside her, with one hand he pulled her into his embraces. “Gong Xiao Man, I will bring Yao Yao go home, you…can’t go now.”


Part 2 (Two)

Still that words, the small apartment where Yao Yao stays, that apartment, Yao Yao is the first ‘outsider’ who stepped her feet inside there, believes Long Qi, or Yu Ao Tian, all of them won’t expect there will be the ‘second outsider’ to step in again. “You don’t need to know, just rest assured to leave her with me, when she is awake, I will ask her to call you.”

“That good too.”

Long Qi worries, and hurries to take Yao Yao to the apartment where he stays, so clumsy he is putting cold towel to her forehead.

Sitting at the bedside, without expression he heave a sighed, his warm damp hand is stretching extend toward her pale small face.

But when he is almost to touch her cheek, Long Qi withdrew his hand back, “Hey, Flast chest faster you awake, this is not what kind of huge matter, don’t let me worry about you.” His pair of eyes is showing deep sorrow, slowly he is lying beside Yao Yao and close his eyes…

‘Yao Yao, later when you are growing up, don’t be such easy to date any man, once you realized falling in love with a man, feeling he can be the other half who will accompany you for your rest of life, you must dating well, until get married, because reputation and integrity are the most important for woman.’

‘Mom, what is called as reputation and integrity?’

‘Reputation is something so important for woman, when you grow up you will know it.’

‘Luo Yao Yao is a cheap slut, being supported by businessman; at age 15 abortion; forcing and harm the initial girlfriend of the businessman, simply to say shameless.’

‘That’s right, how can in this world there is such despicable person? After sleeping with one man, again sleep with other man.’

‘Yao Yao, sorry, let’s we divorced, because I had known your past.’

‘Mom, all my classmate are laughing at me, they said mom is being supported, is it true?’

“No! that is not! It is not!” ad sudden her eyes are open, Yao Yao wakes up and sit down, her eyes are sweeping at unfamiliar surrounding environment.

So that… just now only a dream…

Part 3 (Three)

In her dream, she dreamt the conversation between her mother and the younger her; she also dreamt being laughed by her classmates; she even dreamt about her future husband who found out her past and intending divorced her, her child knew about her past and crying when going to home.

Too scary, all of these are just too scary, today, when she think about her future, it only left one dark future, there is no slightest brightness.

“Hey, flat chest, flat chest!” seeing Yao Yao’s forehead is filled with big cold bead of sweats, Long Qi who is beside her grabbed her wrist.

“Ah!” Yao Yao screams because surprised, at then she swaying away Long Qi’s hand, She moves her body to the bed corner. “Long…Long… Long Qi?”

“You?” Long Qi is seeing his hand being swayed away by Yao Yao’s little hand and also sees she frowned. “Are you afraid of me?” very obvious, it can be seen the fear in Yao Yao’s eyes.

“Not… not. I just, just…” does not know how to explain, if she always gets along with Long Qi, really does not know what kind of rumour would be made by her classmate later.

“Do you really care of the poster?”

Care, extremely care of it. She lowers her head, her tears are falling down.

“Flat chest, as you know someone like me won’t be able to say what kind of great things, but at least I know what is called as right, standing upright this principle, if you because of that rumour, tormenting yourself, you are really stupid.”

“But…” gripping the guilt, her small hands are trembling, she impatiently looking at Long Qi, slowly said: “The contain above, that also slightest true. I am indeed…Yu Ao Tian…”

“Yao Yao!” Long Qi with his loud voice stopped her: “I don’t know how people view you and Ao Tian, but I, also my big brother, we never thought you as Ao Tian’s lover. Moreover, Ao Tian never has habit to have lover, in his world, women are only his tool, that’s all. I think, both of you and Ao Tian aren’t happened anything yet, right?”

Staring at Long Qi serious expression, carefully to ‘taste’ his words, vaguely remember Nan Lu also ever said Yu Ao Tian never has habit to have lover. “Since it is the case, why that time Yu Ao Tian wanted to help me? Moreover asking me to be his lover?”

If this is simply only for getting her body, he could simply make the transaction with money, why must he make a deal with her for such long?

“Uh?” Long Qi is dumbfounded, before Long Ye done with Yao Yao’s background investigation, he had warned Long Qi to be careful when talking, because this girl has high IQ, she might has potential to dig more thing from words, it seems this time he oversight this.

“Ha, Hahaha… as you know, that time Ao Tian thought your father might involve with the flaming in Hua Mei Villa, perhaps that is the reason to let you stay at his side. Moreover Ao Tian this person is someone likes, his ‘prey’ to surrender themselves, while you are not giving in, probably this is the reason to put you at his side. Ahahahaaha.”

Is it?

Yao Yao is carefully staring at Long Qi, his face is showing one forceful smiles, but he reasons indeed fit with Yu Ao Tian’s character.

Remembered that time when she was signing the lover contract agreement with Yu Ao Tian, Yu Ao Tian ever said, wait until her ‘surrender’ that time, perhaps due to his domineering character, she keeps ‘safe and sound’ staying beside him?


“Flat Chest, do you feel hungry?”

“No…” Yao Yao shakes her head.

“I feel hungry, I go down stair to eat something, how about you, go to living room watching television.”

“Oh, okay.” Yao Yao nodding as stiff as wood, at sudden she thought… “Where it is?” her eyes are sweeping at the messy room, this room types is look so similar with Yu Ao Tian’s apartment, but the environment is different.

After she staying with Yu Ao Tian, she realized he is someone who extremely likes to be clean, his house is arranged in very good order, spotless. But in here…

Really sorry. (this word mean so sorry to say such mess)

Part 4 (Four)

“This is my room, you come.” Long Qi is bringing Yao Yao out from his room, pointed at the an opposite room: “This room belongs to my older brother. We are living at the second floor.

Ah, she always knows that Long Qi and others also Yu Ao Tian are living at same apartment building, but never know which floor Long Qi and others live in.

No wonder she feels this house type is so similar with Yu Ao Tian’s house, only Long Qi stays with two rooms and one living room.

Turned her head to glance at Long Qi’s room, haha, inside is extremely messed which really suitable with Long Qi’s unruly character. “En, I understand, Long Qi, You go have meal first. I also back to home.”

“You stay here first. Anyway, I am alone and boring.”


“You don’t ‘but’ anymore, I am almost hunger to death, I leave first.” After said, Long Qi faster his footsteps, walking out.

When he arrived at the front door, he lets out heave sigh, just now he almost told Yao Yao, Yu Ao Tian keeps her in his side the reason because of the scar in her left shoulder.

Although, he does not know the meaning of her scar for Yu Ao Tian. But, Yu Ao Tian has warned few of them not to mention even slightest about this matter to Yao Yao. “So close! Luckily I am smart enough, taking an excuse to run away. Hehe.”

Yao Yao is alone at the living room, her hand just follows to turn on the television, but she is not paying attention to the television.

Her big moist eyes are looking at other side, perhaps the entire school has already found out the matter she is being supported?

But after all this is the surface matter, actually the real obstacle is the mysterious person who posted the photo, there is nothing more convincingly than tangible evidence which able to make one’s believe in, isn’t it?

“Ckckck, but what to do! Once that person posted the photo, not only won’t get any scholarship, perhaps her three years future won’t be at peaceful!

Creased her forehead and let out heave sighed, Yao Yao little hands are clenched into fist.

‘The newest news, Berson Group this morning at 10 o’clock is being exposed to suspicion of business allegation (doing commercial bribery), at the present the independent commission against corruption (ICAC) is pursuing the matter, if there is no accident, in the three days, Berson Group shares will fall to 10%. Due to the experts, the Berson Group chairman and also CEO Yu Ao Tian, perhaps because of it might lose at least about 40 million dollar.’

“What is going on?” Yao Yao attention is being take up by the television, her big eyes are watching at the news reported in television.

“Berson is get suspicion into bribery case? This is such serious matter, Yu Ao Tian loses 40 million dollar, things perhaps not as simple as it, once it filing the legal suit, Berson Group is likely to be suspended about one year by the United States (headquarter company), when that time arrived it won’t be about monetary loss calculation.”

She is nervous licking her dry mouth corner, when she wanted to pick up phone to call Yu Ao Tian…

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