QT: Grace To Grass Counterattack System

Chapter 209 Little Mandron Soldier 32

Yang Teng blinked and asked defensively, "What\'s it to you?" Seeing his sister remain silent, his heart shook. Did she know something? He nervously gulped. "A club?"

"A club~" Yang Xiang lowered her head and laughed. "A club..." She pointed at her younger brother. "You-" And then she sighed. She still couldn\'t believe it. Yang Teng was very much aware that President Jin was her\'s. HER\'S!

A thought suddenly crossed her mind and a sweet smile rested perfectly on her face. "I\'m sure you had fun. You look pretty pale. You should rest."

Yang Teng smiled dryly in relief. "I will." And then he left the living room.

As soon as Yang Teng left, Yang Xiang eyes flashed and she clicked a few codes on her bracelet. As soon as the request was accepted, she greeted, "Director Hong."

The pudgy human male on the other end had a pleasant look of surprise on his face. "A\'Xiang? I can\'t believe it. Have you finally given my proposal a proper thought?"

Yang Xiang grit her teeth. Director Hong was one of the big shots on Earth with big investments in several top organizations. He was also a member of the executive boards of several conglomerates. Rumours even had it that he had dealings in the mafia.

This same bigshot had met her once at the Jin company and had become interested in having her as a mistress but she\'d been so fixated on Jin Yusheng that she didn\'t even consider his request before refusing. Now.... "I can\'t be your mistress." She said sternly.

Director Hong raised a brow. "Hm? Then why did you contact me?"

"Well...." Yang Xiang let out a long tirade of words stating what she wanted. The more she spoke, the more surprised the Director became . "I want it done as soon as possible."

"Oh?" The sleazy Director\'s brows rose even higher. He couldn\'t believe what he\'d just heard. Ha! The gears in his mind turned but his expression remained the same as he said, "Now that\'s... That\'s a little difficult."

Yang Xiang tsked and stated her terms. "I can\'t be your mistress but you\'re free to use me however you please for an entire day and night!"

"Oh?~" The Director\'s brows were now impossibly higher. In fact, what Yang Xiang needed wasn\'t too difficult for him to do. Better still... It was perfect. He\'d had a few altercations with Jin Yusheng and taking this opportunity to deal with him was great.

Not only would he have Yang Xiang to use as a meat shield if things went wrong, he would also get to have his way with said meat shield. It was wonderful.


He laughed. "I thought you loved the Jin Yusheng?"

Yang Xiang glared. "If course I do!" Who knew that he would end up being mislead by her own brother?! She just needed to do this so he would see reason and all would be fine. As for Yang Teng... He could only blame himself for greedily sticking his hands where they didn\'t belong!

The Director laughed boisterously. "You know where to find me." And then the hologram flicked shut.

Yang Xiang freshened up and left the Yang mansion that very morning and did not return that night. Early the next morning, she returned to the Yang mansion and stayed home all day.

She also watched as Yang Teng left the mansion that very night. \'Possibly to meet up with her Yusheng.\' She thought as her insides twisted in hatred.

In the wee hours of the morning of the Third day, Yang Xiang had before her a video recording of Jin Yusheng and Yang Teng joined together in the throes of passion.

Her eyes reddened.

"Slut!" She screamed at her brother\'s shameful appearance. "SLUT!" She screamed again and slammed her fist on her bed frame repeatedly when she felt her first scream just wasn\'t enough.

After several minutes of venting, Yang Xiang finally calmed down and created an anonymous account on the Federation Network. Her plan was to blur out Jin Yusheng\'s image and upload the video for all to see just what a shameful slut Yang Teng was.

Once President Jin saw the responses from people, he would definitely come to his senses and deal with Yang Teng!

Yang Xiang, like the masochist that she was, rewatched the video numerous times with red eyes before hatefully clicking on upload.

It was exactly 6:00 am when the video silently began spreading on the Federation Network.


By 6:30 am, Yang Liu was walking around her room in the Ding home with heightened nerves. For the past two days, she\'d hardly left the room except to eat meals and that was in a separate room from the Dings. That situation had grated on her nerves. What did the Dings mean by eating separately from her?

The disrespect annoyed her deeply but, on the other hand, she was actually thankful for it as she didn\'t have to interact with them and have her cover blown.

Today was the day the so called extraction was commencing and she still had no idea what it entailed. What exactly did Yang Xue do? Offer emotional support during the process? Was it possible that her cover could be blown for not knowing what to do or could she be lucky enough and muddle her way through this?

Even in her worry, Yang Liu also felt a tinge of excitement in her heart. She would finally get to the chance to be close to General Ding. So close that she could even touch him! Just imagining how grateful he would be when he realized she was the one that had been brave enough to stand by him this time made her feel giddy.

Everyone was always going, \'Jin Qi this,\' \'Jin Qi that,\' but where was that Jin Qi now? A shameless woman who only knew how to ride with the man she claimed to love only during the good times! The day before, Jin Qi had come over to the Ding home and had even tried to speak to her.

Hmph! She\'d boldly slammed the door right in the woman\'s face. She disliked that Jin Qi very much! Just because she was pretty and valiant and talented and from an elite family and loved by so many people in the Plexar Federation, she thought she could get whatever she wanted?

Disgusting! Yang Liu pranced about the room as jealousy raged in her eyes. Her mind finally circled back to her earlier worries and she quickly sent out a communication request to her father.

A tired looking Yang Zhi accepted the request on the second ping. "A\'Liu."

"Father." Yang Liu greeted with a smile but when she noticed Yang Zhi\'s demeanor, she frowned. "What\'s wrong?"

Yang Zhi waved. "It\'s nothing serious. Yang Liqin has been a pain since she returned. It\'s nothing I can\'t handle." He changed the topic. "How are things going?"

Yang Liu sighed. "Whatever the extraction thing is... It\'s today."

Yang Zhi frowned. He still hadn\'t been able to reach Yang Xue. Tsk. "Listen here. No matter what, you cannot get caught. Don\'t forget what\'s on the line here. Just hang on for a few more days and then I\'ll surely think of something."

Yang Liu nodded. "Okay Fa-"


Yang Liu jumped in shock and mistakenly ended the connection with her father. She eyed the door wearily for a few seconds before quickly adjusting her hoodie and covering the lower half of her face with the face mask. Next she walked over and unlocked the door.

Ding Wang stood on the otherside with his hands clasped behind his back. Looking at the \'mandron\' in his sight, he simply said, "It\'s time." Before turning around and walking away.

Yang Liu took one last glance at the bedroom before following after Ding Wang.

The entire Ding estate had been closed off to visitors. At the far end of the estate, Xia Yueyu and the Third Marshal sat in the observation room, watching as the doctors controlled the various machines to prepare Ding Weimin for the extraction process.

A soldier in a Tech suit was with Ding Weimin in the reinforced room but was separated by a tube like box made of adamantine glass that was extended from the ceiling to the ground. Unlike when Ding Weimin had been taken from the park eight days ago, the magnetic energy he had been emitting all these while had been in the enclosed space of the reinforced room so it had three times more tension than usual.

Such high tension would most likely interfere with the soldier\'s control of his Tech suit so the demarcation was needed.

No one asked any questions about the soldier\'s appearance and just went along with it.

Ding Wang and Yang Liu soon arrived at the door of the observation room. Ding Wang pointed at the adjacent door leading to the reinforced room. "Wait right there. The door would be opened in a while and you can enter and begin."

Yang Liu stared at the door with wide eyes and asked almost quietly, "General Ding... is in there?"

Ding Wang looked at her like she was crazy. "If not there then where else would he-" He tsked. Mandrons. "You know what.. nevermind. Just go in when the door opens up. Remember..." He gave her pointed look. "Don\'t get any ideas." And then he walked into the observation room and nodded at his father.

The Third Marshal nodded in return and looked to the armoured soldier with a pointed look of his own.

Yang Liu stared at the large metal door and fiddled with her fingers. She was very nervous. What exactly was she meant to do once she went in? Have a conversation with the General to distract him from treatment? List out words of encouragement like a broken record? Or maybe... _Ding Wang\'s warning flew out of her mind- ... She could even hold the General\'s hand?

She laughed softly.

A low electronic hum came then and the large metal doors slowly opened. Yang Liu blinked. The other side was just an empty sterile room with another metal door up ahead. She looked down at her bracelet. 6:45 am. She took a deep breath to ease her nerves and walked in.

Everyone in the observation room watched closely as Yang Liu stood still in the sterile room with her head lowered. Just then the head doctor hit the command to open the second metal door.

Yang Liu raised her head just in time for the metal door to open abruptly and then,


An anguished scream tore through the sterile room.

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