Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 249 The Best Player

Some of them had bandages on their arms along with obvious bruises on their faces.

"Oh, Nikita, I hope you still remember us." One of the wounded men sneered, "Thank you for your attention a few days ago. We went to your house, but found you didn’t go back. So we have to wait for you here. See, you came!"

"Nikita, who are these people?" Oleg frowned and took a glance at Nikita.

Nikita faltered, "They, they are casino thugs."

"Did you borrow money from them?" That moment, Oleg had already guessed Nikita’s condition. He could not help saying furiously, "I told you so many times not..."

Oleg took a deep breath, shaking his head. Now, any lectures were useless. He looked at these few guys, voicing softly, "How much did he owe you?"

The man sneered, "Oh, sir, now I’m afraid it’s not only about money, there’s a bigger problem, our boss ordered us to take Mr. Nikita back."

As Nikita felt it troublesome, he took two steps back--- but the strong men seemed to have expected it, they rushed up, two of them arrested Nikita easily.

"Stop." Oleg frowned, shouting suddenly.

"Are you going to help this bastard?"

"Please let him go. This is a private house, IF you don’t stop, I will call the police." Oleg still said quietly.

These guys suddenly laughed, like hearing the funniest joke. One of them came to Oleg, looking at Oleg’s body, who was taller and stronger than him, grinning, "I thought you would make us, but you say calling the police. Tut, I think I met an old woman! Haha!"

As saying, he stretched out his hand and slapped it lightly at Oleg’s cheek.

Oleg unconsciously grabbed this strong man’s wrist, taking a sudden twist--- then, a screech like a butchered pig came out from the man!

But Oleg didn’t stop his action; rather, he lifted the knee, and hit his stomach severely. Another screamed was heard, and the strong man fell to the ground.

Oleg gaze suddenly became sharp. At the moment the man fell down, he clenched his fists, hitting the man’s chest once again.

But the fist stopped abruptly at the moment it was about to hit his chest--- no one stopped him; rather, it was this robust man’s own decision to stop.

His face showed a slight hint of struggle.


Another man picked up a hockey stick at the door position, severely hitting Oleg’s back. But the stick was abruptly broken under the violent impact. Oleg looked back, his eyes were as fierce as a lion, which made the guy taking sneak attack suddenly feel flustered.


But at this moment, Oleg’s head was severely smashed by a large vase. The vase had been crushed, and blood shed from Oleg’s forehead.

He fell down and fainted.

"Oleg! Oleg!" Nikita exclaimed in alarm.

The man being knocked down at the beginning climbed up. He spat blood, pressing his belly while looking bad, "Let’s go! Take away both of them!"


When Anton returned to the apartment--- this was a new apartment Nikita rent, where Uncle Nikita and he lived these days.

It was a very good place to live!

Nikita also bought a PSP. Anton never tried such life without homework in the evening, while playing with PSP until he felt sleepy.

But when he opened the door with a large bag of food, Anton revealed a strange look--- because the whole apartment was messy, like it was looted by beasts.

Anton contacted Nikita quickly, but his phone could not get through... He suddenly did not know how to deal with the problem here.

But he found a note with an address had been stuck at the back of the door.

And there was a message attached.

‘If you want to save your agent, come to this address alone. Furthermore, you’d better not consider calling the police, or you will receive the dead body of your agent in advance as a Christmas gift this year.’

"Uncle Nikita..."

Anton suddenly put down the things, tearing down the paper attached on the door, and rushing down the stairs to the street. It was an unfamiliar address, but he thought he could also go there by taxi.



The sweat of the dealer dripped from his face, but he had to continue to deal the cards. In contrast, a man and a woman were sitting opposite him quietly.

One must believe that attractiveness from a girl will always be stronger than good-looking men, especially in this place full of masculine hormones--- but even so, many people gathered here paid more of their attention on the young man.

Precisely, he was a man with an eastern face--- because of his native Russian accent, the dealer had no idea about his nationality.

"Twen, twenty one, player wins..."

When the poker card was turned over, the dealer became even feebler. He could only declare it in a reluctantly loud voice and swallowed saliva along with pushing to the gambler.

This was already the 23rd win for the player--- of course, it was not weird, as long as there was enough times to lay down the bets.

But what about getting twenty-three continuous wins?

This definitely could not be calculated by probability... This was abnormal! Extremely abnormal!

The dealer even gambled in mind, ‘If this guy didn’t cheat, I’ll chop off my fingers! Unless he is God! God is sitting in front of me!’

‘Oh! God? What a ridiculous thought it is... hence, he must be cheating! But why does the manager not have any instructions?’

The dealer was waiting anxiously while starting shuffling for a new round, and began to consider the reason that guy came here--- in fact, he didn’t win much money during the 23 times, the amount of money could even be described as ‘pitiful’!

Because, this guy made the lowest bet--- and would never raise.

‘Is he playing? Or laughing at my strength? Or deliberately provoke this casino?’

Thinking about it, when he dealt the fifth card, he encountered the same situation again, "Twen, twenty one, player wins..."

Oh my God!

This was the twenty-fourth... the dealer could not help whining in heart--- the twenty-fourth time this consecutive player won, and all 21 points. The dealer thought he was eligible to apply for the world record of the most unlucky dealer.

He didn’t know if there was such a world record...


"Slow down, slower!"

"No manager, it’s the slowest, nothing can be found!"

"What about the boss?"

"The boss is in the basement, interrogating Nikita personally. He doesn’t want anyone to disturb him when he’s having fun!"

"Then tell him a guy won twenty-four continuous times... no, my God, is that guy a magician? twenty-five times! Go! Don’t stand about!"

"Ok, OK..."



Maybe his luck had ran out?

Nikita could not help thinking so when he spit bitter water. His viscera seemed to be mixed together, feeling like he almost died.

Suddenly, his hair was caught--- by the boss of this place, Andrew.

"Mr. Nikita, you’re bearing longer than I thought."

Nikita coughed painfully, "Mr. Andrew, I said I can pay back the money I owed you soon... Why, do you still torture me?"

What was Andrew like?

He was almost as strong as Oleg, and different from those boss with better lives in Nikita’s mind; rather, he was unusually robust.

"Mr. Nikita, maybe you don’t know..." Andrew smiled, "Few people know that I’m the owner of both this casino and the underground ring at 78 Nevsky Prospect."

"What, what!" Nikita eyes opened wide.

Oh! My god! Nikita felt he understood the reason Andrew caught himself this time!

That ring was not a legal one--- such arenas basically were in control by makers. Although the slogan showed that anyone who were capable could play the game on the ring; however, it was obviously a means of attracting more gamblers.

Nikita never thought it a permanent solution for Anton to stay on this ring. He just intended to get enough benefit from this ring in the shortest period of time--- and stopped before completely infuriating the maker.

But he never thought it would have irritated the maker so quickly.

"Mr. Andrew, I, I can give you back the money I won these days..." Nikita implored.

Andrew just sneered.

Nikita said hurriedly, "I can also promise that Anton will not appear in your ring! Don’t worry, he will never appear again!"

Andrew said indifferently, "Mr. Nikita, don’t you think it is too late for the guy to leave the ring right now? Anton is a hot guy now. If he suddenly disappears from the ring, I think I’ll experience a great loss in reputation. And the loss will be countless times higher than the money you won."

"You ... what do you want..."

Andrew raised his eyebrows, smiling, "You know, I used to be a boxer too, but I’ve never seen such a powerful guy... he should always stay in my ring and become an overlord!"

"You want Anton to serve you?" Nikita could not help exclaiming.

Andrew took it lightly, "He’ll be coming soon."

At this time, the sound of knocking at the basement door came. Andrew laughed, "See, he came!"

Ignoring Nikita’s ugly look, Andrew opened the door and looked at his henchman, opening mouth first, "Has our guest come?"

"Boss... a customer above has got a 25 times winning streak!"

Andrew’s face suddenly changed.

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