Trafford's Trading Club

Chapter 226 Wickedness and Turbidity

He even sensed that this young ‘senior’ was too profound to be understood. So he dared not to be careless, sparing no pains the first time.

"Tiger and dragon lurk on blue water and red elixir. When elixir tempers, dragon and tiger appear!"

Yellow talismans dropped on the ground one by one following Momo’s low voice. However, they didn’t disappear. They just turned into ferocious tigers.

The golden-light ferocious tigers were of a common wolf size. They escorted Momo and owned an imposing manner.

At this moment, the claws of all the golden-light tigers were gripping the ground, pressing their bodies down with a fierce look as if encountering a formidable enemy.

Momo’s right hand grasped his left wrist with his left index and middle finger crossed together to form a sword seal. He pointed at his forehead, concentrating on communicating with these golden tigers!

Nevertheless, no matter how he drove them, those obedient tigers kept absolutely still!

The ferocious and beastial soul of each of these golden tigers was sequestrated. They had a spiritual nature... but they were afraid!

Momo activated his Taoism art crazily. Both of his eyes sparkled with golden light, staring at the ‘senior’ watchfully.

He just stood there like that. Nothing had changed from the beginning but Momo could see one thing appearing out of nowhere!

A door.

It was a partly hidden and visible door. A door where there seemed to have uncountable spirits emerging and giving people shivers.

Momo revealed an astonished look. Since he saw this bizarre door, his spirit felt like it was being drawn into a huge maelstrom. His soul and spirit seem to be breaking away from his body.

"So you can actually see it." Luo Qiu said, "Tell me what it looks like."

He walked towards Momo.

Watching him getting closer with each step, Momo had an extremely strong feeling that his soul would be sucked out. After the third step, he vomited a mouthful of blood.

His spirit sagged. What he vomited was not fresh blood but the so-called ‘essential blood’!

In a flash, his vitality was sapped!

And those ferocious tigers disappeared, suddenly transforming into yellow talismans and returning to his suitcase.

Gritting his teeth, Momo made a hand seal. White fog filled this quiet alley immediately right in front of him.

"Feel like escaping?!"

You Ye’s voice was heard from the thick fog.

The servant girl used the black flame on her hand to clear up the fog. Momo who was battered and exhausted was seen at the exit of the path.

Unexpectedly, Luo Qiu grabbed You Ye’s wrist suddenly, stopping her.

He watched You Ye’s angry look. Using his hands to appease the wrinkles on her eyebrows, he said, "Ignore him, we’ll still see him in the future."


Luo Qiu said, "I have clearer sense in this aspect."

The servant girl smiled from ear to ear, "That’s because Master has gotten more powerful following the increasing numbers of the transactions that you made."

Luo Qiu shook his head, "How about the situation over there?"

You Ye answered, "The village is out of control. The secretary and the village head want to calm the villagers down but it’s ineffective. Fortunately, the number of infected persons has stopped increasing. There’re 10 patients in total. All old people.

Luo Qiu nodded, "It means that they’re the people who went through the incident that year."

"It should be."

"Where’s Lui Hai?"

"He hasn’t woken up yet." You Ye mentioned, "I think he was probably injected with something like a tranquilizer."

Luo Qiu closed his eyes, standing still. The servant girl was aware of what he was doing.

After several seconds, Luo Qiu opened his eyes, saying calmly, "There are more people feeling panic... but no one feels hopeless."

"There will be one soon." You Ye said calmly, "No matter who is the one playing tricks under the table. Times have changed, it won’t take long to tackle an obstacle now. So, the person behind this..."

Luo Qiu glimpsed at You Ye, continuing her words, "Will bring the panic to the next level again."



When the evening arrived, the number of patients rose up to 35 patients in total.

The disease had only affected the elderly during the daytime. However, even young people started showing up at noon and at night.

The village head of Lui Village was among the patients!

He was laying in the small clinic too!

The village council had a meeting secretly, holding out on Wu Qiushui. They were strong men, and some people were in their 60s. They were the people of virtue and prestige in the village.

"35 patients..." one of them touched his walking stick constantly, revealing the uneasiness in his heart, "If I didn’t get it wrong, it’s more than that year... there were only a dozen at that time."

"I’ve asked Chaosheng, he said he couldn’t confirm it based on the poor facilities in the clinic. But looking at the time of the outbreak, some others will still be infected by this disease."

All the members of the village council gathered in this old house, feeling the fearful silence... No one knew if they’d become one the infected guys lying in the clinic.

"Curse! That curse!" A very old man screeched at this time.

A younger one yelled, "Bottle it! Don’t blindly trust curses in this day and time! We said we’ll never talk about that incident anymore!"

"But we can’t leave the village! We can’t escape..." The old insisted, "Hike up to the mountain? How long will it take for us to walk out? No! if the disease attacks, nobody else will know that, and we’ll still die!"

"Alas... 40 years passed, but it still comes again! Does the sea lord really exist?"

"Didn’t you hear about the soldier who said that old female immortal was a liar?"

"But... even those soldiers didn’t know why the villagers were infected! Chaosheng learned western medicine, yet he cannot figure out what disease is that. Besides that, everything was fine after we offered sacrifices, right?"

"Well... it might only be a coincidence."

"What if it’s true?" an old man sitting at the corner swallowed his saliva, "My grandson saw a news on the internet saying that someone heard a weird song coming from the sea and recorded it. Guess what’s going on?"


"Yeah, Old Ox, what happened?"

Old Ox swallowed his saliva, "That song is odd! When I listen to it, my heart beats rapidly and I feel dizzy. I don’t even know that the time has passed. When I regain my consciousness, it was half an hour later. And my grandson is the same!"

"Oh... really?"

"I won’t lie to you." Old Ox soured his cheeks, "Odd! It’s really odd!"

Right then, a junior came in rush, shouting alarmingly, "Oh no, everybody, more people are getting infected, many, many people!"

At the same time.


A deafening sound rang. It was abnormally scary on an evening like this, so they ran out of the room, listening to the rumbling sound!

"That comes from Hear-The-Sea Cliff!"

"Quick, go find someone to look at what is happening!"

After waiting for an hour, the person came back with a ghastly pale face, "Hear-The-Sea Cliff has collapsed! Like 45 years ago... We are doomed! The sea lord has become angry. When I was on my way back, I saw many people hurrying to Chaosheng’s clinic, some even... even..."

He showed a pale face, his voice quivering, "Some... climbed over there..."

"The curse came back!! It came back!!" Old Ox screamed, "It’s Female Immortal Huang! Female Immortal Huang! When she was caught, none of us helped her! I remembered that she said that she would come back to get revenge! She said that it was a blasphemy! She’s daughter of the god! She has returned!! She has returned!!"

"Old Ox, don’t scare us!"

"Returning! Returning!" Old Ox panted heavily, eyes opening wide. Suddenly, he fell down, staying still.

Everyone was frightened, looking at him... Old Ox let out his last breath!

"Grandpa Ah Bao... what should we do?"

He was the oldest one who held a walking stick, the one who has his teeth dropping off.

Grandpa Ah Bao said, "If there are more people falling sick tomorrow morning, let’s try to handle it with the method we used last time!"


"That... that’s not good!"

"Grandpa Ah Bao, you can’t say something so irresponsibly... the society nowadays is not like before. That’s a crime!"

Grandpa Ah Bao took a deep breath, "It’s crime at any time. Do you think those soldiers of that year didn’t know what we did? Yes, they did! But they couldn’t do anything about us! How could they? Catch all of us? No, they didn’t dare to do so! It’d cause social turmoil! And now it’ll be the same! The laws do not punish numerous offenders!"

"Yes! That’s true! We have to do that! We could only save ourselves!"

"Yes! If we solve this thing, it proves that we’re right! If not... we don’t know if that is an infectious disease, so finishing them off will be good for us who are still alive!"

"Yeah, that makes sense."


"Let’s wait until the sun rises! But... if we are abided by that method, where should we find people?"

Grandpa Ah Bao took a deep breath, "Lui Hai’s wife is also an outsider eh..."

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